Hemmant’s List is a diverse List of Barristers drawn from some of Brisbane’s leading Chambers, providing choice of experience, expertise, practice area specialty, gender and cost through the single contact point.  Collectively, the quality, diversity of experience and reputation of members is unparalleled in Queensland.

It is the first Barrister’s List empowering Solicitors and Clients to make informed choices as to whom best to brief.

How can the clerk at Hemmant’s list help you?

Hemmant’s List is an evolution of the traditional Barrister’s Clerk model.  The Clerk:

  • Actively builds relationships with Solicitors and Law Firms;
  • provides accessibility and enhanced level of service and convenience to Solicitors and Clients
  • Is a communication channel between instructors and Barristers;
  • Is a resource for Solicitors looking to enhance outcomes and control the cost of Dispute Resolution processes (through the efficient and effective engagement of Barristers).

Through the Clerk, the List offers Members unique support & services, including:

  • Business Development & Marketing Support
  • Briefs Lead generation & Referrals
  • Assistance with client management, including Fees recovery
  • Practice Support allowing for Parental Leave, extended Holidays & time off for further Study

How does Hemmant’s list work?

Hemmant’s List Clerk is a single point of contact to identify the right Barrister for the Brief.

The Clerk has developed a profile of each List Barrister detailing his or her qualifications, experience, practice areas and interests and fees. The Clerk uses the List’s database and Barristers’ diaries to identify, by practice areas, capability, availability and fees, which Barrister is most suitable for the brief. The Clerk can also provide Solicitors and Clients with a range of options of suitable Barristers and make recommendations if requested.

Equitable Briefing

Hemmant’s List is recognised on the Australian Law Council’s website an early adopter of its National Equitable Briefing Policy and provides Solicitors and Clients with a single point of reference when seeking to equitably brief.

Hemmant’s List Centre

The Hemmant’s List Centre is based in Brisbane and offers purpose-built rooms to provide barristers and solicitors the privacy, professionalism, and tranquillity needed to facilitate clear communication and achieve effective resolutions.  The centre is equipped with premium facilities including advanced audio-visual technology to support in-person, online, and hybrid mediations, arbitrations, and conferences.

The Clerks

Barry Klopper

Barry Klopper has a strong background in law and business, with five years as a Practice Leader in Family Law and Wills and Estates and 15 years running a small to medium-sized business. He has a deep understanding of business development in the legal sector and specialises in practical, cost-effective growth strategies.

Barry can be contacted on:
07 3505 3969


Michael Prance-Smith

Michaela Prance-Smith brings a unique blend of skills with her particular expertise in graphic design, website development, and project management. Most recently, she has worked closely in a Brisbane Barristers Chambers, affording her a hands-on understanding of the legal profession. 

Michaela can be contacted on:
07 3505 3969